Thursday, January 25, 2007

Think not twice

Here between us-
Sure as a slap
Softly disappointed
Sticky with compromise
Soggy with tears
Baking in frustration
Crusty with anger
Bemused by misperception
Abandoned with indifference
Wide-eyed on unslept bedsheets
Hicupping alone at the breakfast table-
Here between us
Lies our love
Shall we pick it up gently
And soothe its frantic heart
And kiss it into silence
And give it some water to drink?
Shall we let go of this mile
And rest for a while?
And think not twice before saying "I love you."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


In their search for individualism, America has created the blandest, most homogenic society possible. Its costs too much to be individualistic in this country. You don't believe me? Try any of the following:
1. customize the house you are building: nothing special: just try to change the color of the facade ...or just put in a window where others have none.
2. alter a pair of trousers to suit your length
3. get a doctor to visit you at home
4. get a personal trainer so you don't have to attend group classes
5. get dresses tailor-made for yourself
6. try to get a vegetable seller to come to personally deliver your favorite vegetables - fresh - to your doorstep
7. get window dressings an inch shorter and half an inch wider than the standard available

The list can go on. Be it economies of scale in a capitalist environment or the philosophical views of a communist dictator- the end results are the same: you cannot afford to be different. The price is too high.

Shows you life comes full circle. In the end, hate is nothing but love turned inside out.
Uplifting, rare, interesting: is that me? So strange to hear these words for little old me whirring around the day like a wound up cuckoo.