Monday, December 04, 2006

A promise

How time flies. And we flit behind. Like children after butterflies.
What if we caught up with a moment and flew with it instead. What if instead of digging our feet into solid ground we rose...light as a feather and flew up to the blue sky. Perhaps even into inky black space where hours swim with lazy strokes.
Would our minds burst with new thoughts? Would our hearts melt with happiness?
It can't be that difficult. Can I do it tomorrow morning? Could I wake up and just set my mind free? Weave stories as I scrub the baby's bottle, string a poem as I scramble eggs, type a rhythm as I answer office mail.
Worth a try. Definitely worth it. So if you see me ride by on a delicious, rainbow-colored moment, don't stop me. Don't reach out. Just let me fly.
I will find out how time flies. And come back to you. Thats a promise.

1 comment:

Triv said...

Nice! Really made me think. I will never try and stop you should I see you flit by..